Training Target Group
An in-depth, comprehensive program of MES/MOM Methodologies courses aimed at Systems Analysts, Architects, Programmers, Project Managers and Consultants.
Training Specific Contents
- Relationships between Manufacturing Operations Standards and Strategic Initiatives (3 hrs)
- Global Market Advances Adaptive Manufacturing 2.0 Architecture (3 hrs)
- The Role of MES/MOM Systems in Continuous Improvement and the Collaborative Pull Supply Chain (2 hrs)
- Manufacturing Transformation Strategy: Maturity and Roadmap Modeling (4 hrs)
- MES/MOM Implementation & Governance: MES/MOM System Requirement Specifications, GAMP and Industrial System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Methods (4 hrs)
- Metric Framework for Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence (EMI): Aligning Financial and Operations Metrics(4 hrs)
- Justifying MES/MOM Systems to Business Leaders, Business Case Justification and Return on Investment (ROI) Assessment (4 hrs)
- MES/MOM Statement of Requirement (SoR), Request for Proposal and Product Eval. Method (4 hrs)
- MES/MOM Project Management Techniques (4 hrs)
About MESA & IACET Authorised Provider
The Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association – MESA is a global none for profit organisation made up of like-minded companies and professionals working to make operations more reliable, capable and profitable. MESA is the knowledge broker for the MES/MOM domain for manufacturing-specific software. Over the past 25 years MESA members have invested in excess of $13,000,000 in developing over 800 whitepapers, guidebooks, presentations, training courses and other materials. For more information on MESA, please see
The IACET Authorized Provider (AP) status means that an organization adheres to IACET’s internationally recognized ANSI/IACET 1-2007 Standard for Continuing Education and Training. Only Authorized Providers may award IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs). The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) was created by IACET as a measurement of continuing education. One (1) IACET CEU is equal to ten (10) contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.
Důležité upozornění
Odeslaná přihláška na školení je závazná. Při jejím stornování účtujeme manipulační poplatek 30% z ceny školení. Při odhlášení během posledních 3 pracovních dnů před datem konání akce nebo neúčasti bez předchozího odhlášení, účtujeme celý účastnický poplatek. Tyto poplatky odpadají, pokud je jmenován náhradní účastník. ATS si vyhrazuje právo na případné změny v programu.
MESA Certificate of Competency (CoC) for MES / MOM Methodologies
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