Training: OPC UA


Registration Fee: GBP 903

OPC UA changes the landscape of the industrial automation and forms the spine for Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0! Suppliers of industrial automation platforms are spreading this message and they want us to believe that OPC UA is the ideal successor of OPC Classic.

OPC UA changes the landscape of the industrial automation and forms the spine for Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0! Suppliers of industrial automation platforms are spreading this message and they want us to believe that OPC UA is the ideal successor of OPC Classic. OPC Classic fulfills the need of simple application integration. Integrating a SCADA-application into a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and other type servers/clients is very easy with OPC Classic.

OPC Classic has a wide scope of application, but has also sides that are potential problematic. For example, OPC Classic is not firewall friendly, technology independent (DCOM) and Windows-based. Besides that, there is a need in the industrial automation world for a more open and safe application integration. Developments like Smart Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and IIoT boost this need even more because they demand a high level of interoperability.

The OPC Foundation has converted this need into a new OPC platform based on a Unified Architecture. A collection of new and open technologies and the possibility to make your own information model, like for example AutoID. The Unified Architecture forms the ideal solution for suppliers and end-users, when integrated in the right way.

Global goal

After the training the participant is capable to use/integrate the OPC UA technologies in the right way in an Industrial automation installation (PLC, SCADA, MES and ERP).

Organisation of the training

All our trainings are based on the model of task-oriented instruction. This model guarantees a seamless transition between learn and work situations. During the training the participant practices learning tasks on realistic applications. The emphasis is not only on gaining knowledge of the product, but also on learning task-related skills. By working with these realistic applications, we speed up the learning process and the improvement of the performance becomes a fact

Concrete goals

The participant can:

  • Compare the scope of OPC UA with the scope of other techniques like shared databases and manufacturing service bus;li>
  • Allocate the capabilities and the vision of OPC UA to a new system architecture;
  • Understand the fundamental basic concepts of OPC UA;
  • Estimate the performance of OPC UA;
  • Determine the server profile of a OPC UA server;
  • Connect an OPC UA Client with an OPC UA server;
  • Use a discovery server;
  • Organize the certificates for a secured OPC UA server-client connection (Workgroup / Domain controller);
  • Solve a malfunction in an OPC UA application.


OPC UA client, OPC UA server, Publisher/Subscriber, OPC UA TCP, SOAP/HTTP, Information model, Security model, Address space, Discovery, DA, HA, Server Profiles, Views, Firewall, AutoID.

Target group

This training is developed by ATS Training for people in the Industrial automation, like system architects, automation engineers, end-users, maintenance engineers and application engineers who (are going to) use/integrate OPC UA in there automation-application.

More information

Our open training continues as soon as there is a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 participants. If you would like to register for one of our open trainings, select ‘register’ next to the desired date and location to fill in the registration form. You can contact us if you have any questions concerning the schedule.

If you would like to have an in-company training, or if you have other questions, you can request information



Date: Upon request
Location: United Kingdom
Registration Fee: GBP 903

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