Sticky Lean Seminar for Executives

We would like to invite you to one of our free of charge webinars, which intend to share our valuable knowledge with manufacturing and processing companies.

How to enable and sustain the benefits of Lean / Six sigma activities

Target Group
CEO, Managers: Operations, Production, Quality, Logistics, Maintenance

Seminar objective
In the sticky lean seminar executives will experience lean principles. They will learn about best practices in the synergy of lean principles and sustaining systems to make the lean benefits stick. The lean experience is created by an interactive simulation game supported with theoretical background information and practical examples. The synergy of lean principles and sustaining systems is demonstrated by showing an active real-time manufacturing environment.

Specific Contents

Upon completion of the course, the student will have an understanding of the following:

  • Welcome & Introduction

  • Financial implications for process optimalisation
  • Lego simulation game (+ theory + examples in each debriefing)

    • Experience the following principles in 5 stages:
    • Stage 1: VSM, recognize Waste, 5S
    • Stage 2: SOP, Financial implications, overproduction, changeover reduction
    • Stage 3: Pull system, Kanban, visual controls
    • Stage 4: small lots, takt time, leveling, visual controls
    • Extra: reliability, variation (six sigma)
  • Introduction to LEAN supported by Manufacturing Intelligence, Manufacturing Execution Systems and automation tools.

    • Real live best practice case in production environment: Carlsberg demo
  • How to implement Lean

    • Practical examples

Sticky Lean Seminar for Executives Course Details

Registration Fee: GBP 390

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Prerequisites and Roadmap
of a Successful MES/MOM

We would like to invite you to one of our free of charge webinars, which intend to share our valuable knowledge with manufacturing…

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Sticky Lean
Seminar for

In the sticky lean seminar executives will experience lean principles. They will learn about best practices…

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