Lean Manufacturing – Introduction

This course is designed for all kind of persons interested in the implementation of Lean Manufacturing techniques for Continuous Improvement, that typically lead to reductions in cost, lead time and work-in-progress. During this training attendees will acquire the capability to recognise continuous improvement opportunities, as well as learning to choose the appropriate tools.The techniques described have been proven to be crucial to survive in the actual increasingly competitive global markets.


Target Group
This course is designed for all kind of persons interested in the implementation of Lean Manufacturing techniques for Continuous Improvement, that typically lead to reductions in cost, lead time and work-in-progress. During this training attendees will acquire the capability to recognise continuous improvement opportunities, as well as learning to choose the appropriate tools.The techniques described have been proven to be crucial to survive in the actual increasingly competitive global markets.

(Pre) Knowledge

There are no specific prerequisites required to join this course.

Global Contents

An introduction to Continuous Improvement and Lean terminology and methodology. The module will present the delegates with implementation issues they daily face and show them how to solve them. It will provide the capability to recognise and define continuous improvement projects / opportunities. The essential tools needed to successful deploy Lean and Six Sigma for long term improvement strategies will be explained. The module will give a practical insight of the key Lean and Sigma methodologies.


ATS courses are given by highly qualified trainers, with practical knowledge, in professional ATS training centres or On-Site. Prior to the course an intake conversation can take place to define the participant(s) and the company’s requirements. Presentations (theory and examples) as well as practical exercises bring the courses to life. ATS courses are interactive; the trainer will always make sure the training contents link back to your situation.


Specific Contents

  • First steps in Lean:
    1.Kaizen (Continuous Improvement), Waste Elimination (MUDA)
    2.5 S’s – Plant floor organization, Standardization
  • Controlling the process:
    1.Levelled Production, Takt time, One Piece Flow, Just in Time, Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED), Cause Root Analysis
  • Controlling Production
    1.Automation / Poka Joke, Push/Pull Systems, Inventory Reduction, Flexible manpower, Visual Tools, Control Panels
  • TPM – Total Productive Maintenance
    1.Proactive approach for “deterioration prevention”. Fundamental goals. Maximizing equipment effectiveness.
  • Measuring Continuous Improvement
    1.Efficiency Monitoring, OEE & LEAN IT
  • Recognising and defining Lean Manufacturing Opportunities

Weitere Informationen

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Lean Manufacturing – Introduction  Course Details

Datum: Auf Anfrage
Ort: Germany
Preis:EUR 510

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Lean Manufacturing

This course is designed for all kind of persons interested in the implementation of Lean Manufacturing techniques for…

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Six Sigma

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Lean Manufacturing

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Lean Manufacturing
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Lean Manufacturing
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