Training Courses
Lean Manufacturing & Six Sigma Training Courses
Lean Manufacturing & Six Sigma Training Courses
Select the desired training course from the list below to find more information and then sign up. Or consider the complete list of ATS Training Courses.
Would you like to receive advice on making your choice? Please contact us. Our training coordinator will assist you with more information and go through the course options with you to see which would best fit your personal goals.
Deutschland: Willich-Münchheide, Kassel, Hannover, Essen, München, Berlin, Hamburg, Köln, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Nürnberg, Dresden, Dortmund

ATS is a leading company supporting companies implementing the Lean & Six Sigma Process by offering Training and Consultancy.
ATS offers the possibility of caring out quick scans for a better understanding of potential optimisation of production and business processes. ATS has a generic approach in the provision of business optimisation solutions to our customers. This standard approach is based on experience and best practices from ATS and other implementations / transformations. It provides guidance in the implementation of an optimisation solution and will always be tailored to the needs of our customers.
United Kingdom: Our training centres are located in Nuneaton, Southampton, and Belfast or can be conducted at a customer’s site on request at any location in Great Britain and Ireland. Training outside of the Midlands regions requires a minimum of 3 people. Please contact our Head office in Nuneaton for further details and pricing.
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