Target Group
This course is designed for those who start using SIMATIC TP’s (Touch Panels) and/or OP’s (Operator Panels). For those who implement, program and design TP and/or OP and want to develop programs using ProTool for TP and/or OP.
(Pre) Knowledge
To join this course pre-knowledge on PC’s and Windows is required. Some knowledge on programming similar operator interfaces and digital technique is advantageous. We recommend this training to those who have followed the S7/STEP 7 course.
Global Contents
The course outlines the various TP’s and OP’s of Siemens and their options. How to use ProTool in programming, documenting, implementing and supporting projects. The differences between the programming packages of ProTool, ProTool-Lite and Pro will also be discussed.
ATS courses are given by highly qualified trainers, with practical knowledge, in professional ATS training centres or On-Site. Prior to the course an intake conversation can take place to define the participant(s) and the company’s requirements. Presentations (theory and examples) as well as practical exercises bring the courses to life. ATS courses are interactive, the trainer will always make sure the training contents link back to your situation.
Specific Contents
HMI – Siemens ProTool Training Details
Date: Upon request
Location: United States
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